5 secrets superhosts don't want you to know

Justin Arkad
October 17, 2022

Whether you manage a seaside villa, a cozy apartment, or even an unusual lodging, we know that you are doing your best...


Your best to welcome your travelers and make them have a pleasant stay...


And yet. You still covet the famous badge that every host hopes to one day obtain: the Superhost grade.


Better visibility, improved booking rate, premium support: the advantages are numerous!


But then... how is it that some manage to obtain it (very) quickly, while others only brush it?


After debating with dozens of Superhosts, we were able to extract 5 secrets from them about their success.


And today, we lift this curtain so that you too can one day be part of this closed circle...


1) Superhosts are experts at enhancing their accommodation ✨


Yes! It all starts very simply with a quality ad.


And it's surprisingly something that many hosts tend to neglect!


Yet... A quality ad will allow you to stand out and improve your conversion rate (= the number of people who book after clicking on your ad).


It seems obvious, yes.


Except that this rate will make you be at the top or bottom of the search results.


And therefore, drastically multiply your number of bookings.


Don't panic, it can be improved.


And here are the 3 factors to consider:


2) Superhosts have learned to surprise their travelers 😧


It is well known: give more than you receive.


After all, who wouldn't like to be pampered unexpectedly?


Attention, there is no need for big budgets!


Here are some ideas:

  • Leave a few treats in the accommodation to welcome your travelers.
  • Provide some local specialties.
  • Leave a few tips on things to do in the area.

All these little touches make all the difference, and your travelers will thank you for it.


3) Superhosts always have an edge 💡


One of the basic principles in the hotel industry is to anticipate the requests (or problems) that travelers may be likely to encounter.


Why? On the one hand to avoid frustrating the customer, but above all to anticipate and react quickly.


How can we apply this to our rental activity?


Well... here are some ideas:


Other ideas? We're listening!


4) Superhosts know how to automate or delegate 🤝


If you want to keep your enthusiasm and motivation in the long run, it is better to continue to love what you do...


To do this, you have two choices:


In fact it's simple. Focus on the most fun!


If you like to greet your travelers in person, do it!

If you don't, find a right-hand man who could do it.


And it's the same for cleaning, answering travelers, invoices...


An obvious solution is also to subscribe to a Channel Manager if you have several accommodations, to have only one platform where to manage all your accommodations.


5) Superhosts know how to stand out with extras 🎁


Imagine: being able to offer an unforgettable stay to your travelers, while increasing your profits.


Who here would be crazy to refuse?


Well... this is what you can simply do today.


How? By offering additional services, also called "Extras" in the language of Superhosts.


Depending on your type of accommodation, location and time of year, you can always find the Extra you need:


Bike rental, late check-out, chocolate box, bouquet of flowers, hot tub, yoga class, romantic package...


So yes, it is always possible to manually offer your extras on reservation platforms, send a complicated payment link and keep a book to know which traveler paid what...


Otherwise, you can use CozyUp.


CozyUp is the first e-commerce platform designed for aspiring Superhost !


In a few clicks, you can create your list of extras according to your accommodation, and:

  • Increase your profitability
  • Make life easier for travelers and you
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition

To get started, it's simple, just click here to enjoy your free account : www.cozyup.com 👈



As you can see, not everyone can be a Superhost...


However, if you implement the 5 secrets we have just seen, there is a good chance that you will be able to access the Holy Grail.

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